Swedish Massage
A Swedish Massage is perfect for those who have tense aching muscles. It provides a mix of relaxing and energizing movements, which helps to promote blood flow and lymphatic drainage.
Clients who work at a desk may require a release of tension to their neck and shoulder area. However they may not quite require the effects of a deeper massage. This is where a Swedish treatment may well be perfect.
A series of movements will be used throughout a Swedish Massage including effleurage which are long incredibly relaxing movements. This is followed by petrissage, which will help work through any knots and tension you may have. Hacking and cupping (which does not hurt) will be used to help promote blood flow and release toxins in the body.
A Swedish Massage can focus on the upper body working the back, neck and shoulders. As well as the lower body helping to relieve the thighs, calf muscles and feet of aches and pains.
Duration – 60 minutes Price – £45.00 mobile
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